The "ART WITHOUT LIMIT International Film Festival" is focusing on the situation of people with disabilities and special needs – both locally and globally.
... marks the 5th year of the Festival. Again we have a new stunning selection of films from around the world – documentaries, fiction/drama and animation – which will be screened at the Festival's venue:
Armata cinema – Pristina, Kosovo. Festival date: December 1-3, 2024
The Festival included the strong participation of marginalized local groups of disabled and those with specials needs. In a climate of empowerment and support we invited and encouraged communities to contribute to the Festival with own creations..
And we had an amazing selection of international films. – 2022 our opening fiilm from Ireland/UK "An Irish Goodbye" won 2023 the OSCAR for "Best Live Action Short Film". !
The first year of the festival was organized under strict Covid-19 rules and held as an ONLINE EVENT only. A selection of 40 short films was screened online over the 3 days of the festival: fiction/drama, documentary and animation. The prominent Jury presided by an OSCAR producer from Austria awarded the best films in various categories.

Our NGO is focusing on the situation of people with disabilities and special needs.
See our website here: artwithoutlimit-ks.org
Among other projects we are organizing the "ART WITHOUT LIMIT International Film Festival" – selecting and screening films with a variety of subjects and issues which disabled people are facing in their lives. We are also encouraging and empowering local minorities and marginalized communities of disabled in Kosovo – especially women – to make their voices heard and to participate and contribute with their own creations.
ART WITHOUT LIMIT staff and volunteers believe that educating the public about people with disabilities and special needs will reduce judgement, enhance learning and eliminate discrimination. We hope our efforts will continue to be successful because of uniting all the people without difference and providing them with a platform to express themselves without fear of discrimination.
And all this will be done with the beautiful means of film and – ART.